The 5th Agenda
Time frame ——-> post 1980 scenario 3rd Angels Message
Mark of the Beast:,7,8&version=KJ21,10,11,12&version=KJ21
Escaping the Mark of the Beast and purification:
Judgement begins with the House of God:;version=KJ21;version=KJ21
It is stated in Leviticus 16:20 that after the High Priest cleansed the 3 divisions of the Sanctuary, the Most Holy Place, the Tabernacle of the Congregation or Holy Place, he would then go out to cleanse the altar in the court on behalf of the Individual by mingling the blood of the bull with the blood of the goat which was chosen to die for the Lord. The High Priest would then place the blood on the horns of the Altar in the Court and the symbolism represented the fact that at the end of time Jesus or Yeshua our High Priest would cleanse his house from all their forgiven sins in that 5th agenda which is called the anti-typical fulfillment of the ancient 6th feast of Israel, the Day of Atonement or Final Atonement. Again we see that the cleansing of the Altar in the Court that takes place during the 5th agenda is in relation to the heavenly places as stated in Hebrews 9:23.
The 3rd Angels Message is the Final Atonement equivalent of the cleansing of the Altar in the Court of Leviticus 16:20 (last part) of the verse, the Altar.
The 3 rd Angels message in the book of Revelation is a warning against the false worship of the Beast and its image, its mark and its number as well as its name, this warning in Revelation 14:9
marks the end of this Anti-typical Day of Atonement since these 3 messages also move in concert with the agenda of the Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16. Which was a movement from the Law to the corporate and then to the individual.
Once the third angels message is given we then witness the second coming of Christ in Revelation 14:14 as one like the Son of Man seated on a cloud with a golden crown and coming back with a sickle to reap the harvest of the earth which are his saints.
Revelation 15 :8 presents the same Day of Atonement imagery by stating in the text that while the 7 last plagues were falling on the earth no one could enter the Temple in heaven until the plagues were finished. The same language is used in Leviticus 16:17 This is clearly alluding to the fact that once Jesus mediation as High Priest has terminated there will be no more intercessor on behalf of man and God’s wrath will be poured out on the disobedient.
When we study Ezekiel 9 we actually see a very similar type of movement as well as agenda which relates to the Day of Atonement ‘s 5th agenda. In the case of Ezekiel 9 we see the presence of God moving from between the two Cherubim s (Angels) within the Most Holy Place and his presence then relocates to the threshold of the house of God which is at the Altar in the Court where we find 6 men with weapons in their hands and one man among them with a writers Ink-horn. The difference between the illustration that we see in the Day of Atonement scenario in Leviticus 16 when compared to Ezekiel 9 is the fact that God’s presence unites with that of 6 men with slaughter weapons and one in particular who is dressed in linen. Keep mind that linen is a High Priestly robe and the work of this particular being represents Jesus as High Priest and the order given by God relates to the matter of the Sealing of God’s people in the city which in Ezekiel 9 is called Jerusalem. But this is not to be understood in the literal sense as the present day city of Jerusalem but in the anti-typical sense as it relates to God’s true people Laodicea at the end of time.
The interesting factor that can be seen is the relationship between the Sealing of Ezekiel 9 and the Sealing of Gods people in Revelation 7 who are referred to as the 144,000
We are told that the angels of God are not to hurt neither the earth nor the trees nor the seas until the servants of God are Sealed in their foreheads. Revelation 14:4 reveals that there is a conflict prior to the Mark of the Beast for the 144,000 who are the first fruits of God. Revelation 14:4 states that they are not contaminated by any women. Bible prophecy reveals that woman are churches, if the 144,000 are not defiled, this implies that they will not agree with a particular doctrinal issue and the two main issues of mainline Christianity that differ from Agenda #3 are in relation to whom we serve since Agenda #3 relates to the first Angels message of Revelation 14:6,7 which states that we are to worship him that created the heavens and the earth and the seas. This can easily be proven since it is clearly presented in John 1:1, ” in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. So here we see that in the very beginning there was a duality and not a Trinity as taught in most mainline Christian denominations including Laodicea who since the fulfillment of Luke 21:24 in 1980 also teaches this particular doctrine as stated in Fundamental doctrine # 2. This particular doctrine is also revealed in eastern religions such as Hinduism as well as in meta-physical concepts that relate to Pantheism and its forerunner is the Pantheistic system of Neo-platonism. It has also been presented in scientific journals in relation to Pantheism.
The Trinity in both its non-Christian and Christian forms is Pantheistic.
In its Christian form which recognizes the Incarnation it does not conform to what is revealed in John 1:1 nor Revelation 22:1 and therefore presents a challenge to the First Angel’s message of Revelation 14:6,7.
The danger is revealed in its forerunner Neo-platonism which also teaches the concept of an Eternal Son which cannot be found in John 1:1. On account of the fact that the preexist-ant Word of John 1:1 who would later be born on earth as Jesus Christ did not have the genes of Mary his earthly mother in eternity. The prophecy of Isaiah 9:6 states that a child is born a Son is given which proves that the son-ship of Jesus Christ Yeshua began at Bethlehem and not in eternity as taught in Neo- Platonism or the Trinity.
The Apostle Paul also gave us a clear warning regarding the dangers of Gnosticism in the first century on account of the fact that the Gnostic heresy of the first century taught its followers Pantheistic concepts. The Warning message in 1 Timothy 4:1 states that at the end of time there is to be a repeat of the same Gnostic heresies of the first century whose main pillar doctrine was and still is Pantheism, the belief that the whole universe is god or that everything is held together by consciousness or a force that binds all things. In scientific circles its known as the Unified Field Theory.
The fact of the matter is that when God restores the heavens and the earth we again see a restored duality in Revelation 22:1 in the form of the throne of God and the Lamb and not any state of consciousness or occult teaching such as a force or so called Unified Field.
The next matter which relates to the Mark of the Beast is in relation to what is stated in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 6:4, 5, 6, 7, 8 specifically verse 8
A mark on the forehead and on the right hand in the Old Testament revealed that God’s people were honoring his law. Most Christians observe Sunday, the first day of the week , the problem is that Sunday was never the true Sabbath which today is known as Saturday the 7th Day of the week as seen in Genesis 2:1,2,3 from the time of Creation, and there is no command in the Bible that transferred the solemnity of the Sabbath over to Sunday as a memorial of the resurrection. There are two basic reasons for this without having to present a whole list of Bible texts which prove that the true Sabbath was observed by the early church.
1) Jesus stated in Matthew 5:17,18,19 that he didn’t come to change or destroy the law and the prophets but that he came to fulfill.
2) The Feast of First Fruits always fell on the first day of the week, so it is logical to assume that if First Fruits was an annual Feast that was observed once a year and not on a weekly basis it could not in any way replace the weekly Sabbath which was a memorial of Creation. First Fruits was fulfilled when Jesus rose from the dead and that was its original purpose, as Paul states in Colossians 2: 16,17 it was a shadow of things to come. Since Fruits had its fulfillment in the resurrection, the dictum of shadow and copy as presented in Hebrews 8:5 reveals that an annual Feast cannot be converted into a weekly observance which replaces the original 4th commandment Sabbath which today is known as Saturday. Most Christians will try and use every sort of excuse for Sunday observance but as we have seen Jesus stated it clearly in Matthew 5:17,18,19.
A Feast which looked forward to the resurrection was never meant to be a memorial of Creation and it was never meant to be a weekly observance but an annual one for the children of Israel.
Since we now have these facts before us, we can see how Satan’s main attack will come by way of two non-Christian teachings , the first Pantheism and the second, the day of the sun.
In the Days of the prophet Ezekiel, God directed the attention of the prophet to the leadership of those once faithful men. God revealed their apostasy to the prophet by revealing to him the things they were doing in secret
God’s reply to this apostasy was revealed in Ezekiel 9 which is the same judgement that God is going to send upon the earth after the termination of the third Angel’s Message in the form of 7 last plagues as revealed in Revelation 16. Again we see that Ezekiel 9 which is the Sealing time of God’s people is the Final Atonement.
We are told that the angels of God are not to hurt neither the earth nor the trees nor the seas until the servants of God are Sealed in their foreheads.
When we go to Revelation 16 the sad story is revealed, vast multitudes including Laodicea the former true church will take the mark of the enemy of God and will suffer the pain of the 7 last plagues. Revelation 13 states that all whose names are not written in the book of Life of the Lamb will worship this coming future dictator. God is providing a warning of Great importance to the inhabitants of planet earth against accepting false worship and at the same time he is Sealing his Servants during the final hours of earth’s history which is designated as the Final Atonement or Hour of his Judgement see Revelation 14: 6,7,8,9
One thing is certain, the 144,000 are a select group which is revealed as being first-fruits of the harvest of God. These individuals will pass through the final ordeal and will not die. The Bible also presents a great multitude of saints which cannot be numbered which will not take the mark of the Beast neither will they worship his image nor receive his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands. These will be resurrected and will also reign with Yeshua.
1st Agenda= Leviticus 4:22-35 = Calvary = John 3:16 = Perfect sacrifice = Individual forgiveness = 31AD
2nd Agenda = Corporate forgiveness, = Revelation 1,2,3 messages of corporate repentance to churches = After 34AD-1980
3rd Agenda = The Day of Atonement= Leviticus 16 or Final Atonement = Revelation 14:6,7 = the First Angels Message = the Judgement hour= Daniel 7: 9-10 courtroom scene in heaven =
1 Peter 4:17 = Judgement begins with the House of God= The Vindication of the Character of God = Reconciliation with the heavenly hosts=
the Restoration of the truth = correct observance of the 10 commandments on planet earth particularly the 4th commandment Sabbath which is (incorrectly known as (Saturday) Saturn’s day) which is located within the Ark of the Covenant and is the standard of God’s government. = the commencement date of the cleansing based on Daniel 8:14 = 1844 = Revelation 14:7 The worship of the True God who created the heavens and the earth.
The 3rd Agenda or First Angels Message of Revelation 14:6,7 commences the 3 fold process of the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary which is known as the Anti-typical Day of Atonement
The Cleansing of the Most Holy Place
which in the Old Testament was Leviticus 16: but in the New Testament is Revelation 14: 6,7 the Hour of his Judgement
The Fourth Agenda or the Second Angels Message of Revelation 14:8 is corporate cleansing which included God’s true church Laodicea and the out come was corporate spewing.
Its equivalent in the Old Testament was the Cleansing of the Altar of Incense see Exodus 30:10 as well as Leviticus 16:20
The 5th Agenda is individual cleansing at the Altar in the Court and its equivalent is the third Angels Message of Revelation 14:9 and it relates to the Sealing time of the 144,000
Leviticus 16:20 whose final Agenda reveals the mingling of the blood of the bull with the blood of the goat by the High Priest in essence meant that the High Priest was cleansing his household and we know that the anti-typical fulfillment is Jesus (Yeshua) our Great High Priest who is about to complete the Final Cleansing of his house, thus fulfilling the agenda of ancient Israel’s 6th annual feast, the Day of Atonement.
There are many sincere Christians who misunderstand and misinterpret Daniel 8:14 and its relationship to Revelation 14:6,7,8,9 . If we are going to follow Jesus we have to follow every facet of his ministry which includes his High Priestly ministration. When Daniel 8:14 is understood in light of Hebrews 9:23
It then becomes clear that there is a heavenly ministration which has not been properly defined or identified by the majority of the Christian world and if properly understood would bring true unity to the body of Christ on account of the fact that true unity can only be based on the knowledge of the Everlasting Gospel and not by way of human ingenuity or forced compliance to creeds , councils or erroneous concepts of the Love Gospel which ignore what God has established from the very beginning up to the end of the age, a system of truth which defines the 5 facets of the Everlasting Gospel.
I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.
The 5th Agenda completes the work of the High Priest within the Sanctuary itself which ends with the cleansing of the Altar of Burnt offering in the Court and that is the main reason why this website is called 5 Agendas. These 5 Agendas deal with the forgiveness and final cleansing of the House of God as well as the elimination of sin.