5 Agendas


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Planet earth has been the theater of the universe for 6,000 years, the whole universe has been given the opportunity to view the results of what sin has done. The fallen angels who were once loyal to God have ruined themselves and Satan has revealed before the whole universe what would be their fate if he were to be allowed to govern the inhabitants of the universe.  Throughout the ages of history Satan believed that he could defeat God.  The Father has allowed Satan to prove his point of view before the whole universe. The universe witnessed how cruelly the Son of God was treated on earth and how Satan incited the religious leaders as well as the multitudes during those final days of the Yeshua (Jesus) life on earth.  Satan enjoyed the Satanic cruelty of seeing the very Creator the the universe, Logos who took our flesh to become the man Jesus Christ (Yeshua) being crucified between heaven and earth and disgraced, beaten and battered before the very people that he came to save, his own nation of Israel but it was that final act on the cross when Yeshua stated, “my God my God why has thou forsaken me” which revealed to the universe the depth of the love of God, the fact that the  Word of God would accept full responsibility for the sin of the first man Adam as well as for all past , present and future sins committed by the human race and permit himself to die the second death from which there is no resurrection from which there is no hope of ever seeing God again, from which there is no return. Granted that Jesus rose on the third day but during those final moments his human side was revealed, he could not see his Father and he experienced  the full weight of guilt  and what all  sinners will finally experience which are the full wages of sin which are death. We are not talking about the first death, we are talking about the second death from which their is no resurrection. Later our Lord was resurrected to become our Great High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek see Hebrews 6:19,20, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Psalm 110: 1-4 as well as the fact that upon commencement of his High Priestly ministration he would also fulfill what is stated about this High Priestly ministerial work in Dead Sea Scroll Document 11Q13 which was previously presented and which states that Melchizedek proclaims the Day of Atonement. This would be accomplished by way of  High Priestly Agendas #2,3,4,5, especially Agenda # 3 which proclaims the Day of Atonement or First Angels Message of Revelation 14:6,7.

The proclamation of the Day of Atonement of document 11Q13 = “The Hour of his Judgement has come”

Revelation 14:6,7

Once this system of truth was put into effect by way of Jesus Ascension and inauguration and entrance into the Heavenly Sanctuary, this system would provide the means by which his perfect sacrifice would be used in each of the 4 remaining Agendas of the Sanctuary in order to effect the final cleansing of his people, namely the 144,000 and those of the Great Multitude who would be resurrected. After  their victory on the Sea of Glass along with those of the resurrected multitudes they will all be priests and kings of God and will be the ambassadors of God throughout the whole universe. They will fly off to distant worlds and galaxies and proclaim to the inhabitants of the universe what it was like living in a sin sick world and they will exalt their saviour Jesus (Yeshua) throughout the ages. This matter of salvation will be all consuming and will be the main topic of discussion throughout the cycles of eternity and the 144,000 who have followed the Lamb Jesus Christ their Shepard and have learned from him will instruct those in the heavens and they will make sure that sin does not rise up for a second time since they have experienced the results of sin and what its like to be liberated from death and disease into the glorious transformation of the sons of God.

Romans 8


Romans 8
